Santosh Helekar wrote:
The above statement of Mario Goveia constitutes the
shameless spreading of an intentional, malicious lie
to insult those of us who have exposed the alarmist
hoax perpetrated by him in this public forum. This
statement of his also appears to be borne out of
prejudice against the unfortunate folk who are
suffering from AIDS and have become addicted to drugs.

Mario replies:
Because I have not been receiving individual emails of
your postings on Goanet it has only now come to my
attention that you have been posting a series of
highly insulting, abusive and misleading postings on
Goanet about my role in suggesting that people watch
where they sit in public places.

If you were not so personally offended and unhinged
about the notion that AIDS-infected drug users could
possibly leave infected needles in public places you
would have learned from all the postings on this
subject that I have never once defended the original
hoax, or continued to spread it, as you allege.  So it
is you who have been relentlessly spreading shameless
lies that I have.  My first clue to the hoax came from
George Pinto, and I immediately routed George's
information to the person who sent me the original
email, asking them to check it out.

Your contention that I am prejudiced against AIDS
victims is another blatant falsehood unsupported by
anything I have said or done.  Not once have I
questioned the theoretical probability of contracting
AIDS from infected needles in public places, the sole
issue that underpins your hysterical, abusive and
mean-spirited responses and insinuations.

Other Goanetters should ask why, if the probability of
contracting AIDS accidentally in emergency rooms and
operating rooms is as small as Santosh alleges, are
such heroic precautions routinely taken by physicians
and nurses in those settings?  And why do dentists
wear gloves?  Even coaches and trainers who treat
injured athletes, boxers, etc. are required to take
precautions against contracting AIDS accidentally,
even though the statistical probability is miniscule
in those settings as well.  

Based on Santosh's bogus standards they must all be
prejudiced against AIDS victims.  After all, all I
have done is issue a warning, they have actually
implemented practices and procedures to be followed to
reduce the risk.

So, Santosh's relentless downplaying of the risks of
contracting this incurable disease is questionable at
best and dangerous at worst.

Back to Santosh, I continue to wonder about and
question the reasons behind the level of your hysteria
and abuse, just because I choose to defend, not the
hoax, but my suggestion that people be careful.  This
abuse has come primarily from you and your bosom buddy
Jose Colaco, viciously and falsely impugning primarily
my integrity, who mistakenly posted with the best of
intentions an email I received.  Then you turned on
Viviana and Gabriel who posted information of actual
needles being found in public places, which the two of
you are so desperately trying to downplay as a risk or
a hazard.

The simple common-sense suggestion that people be
careful where they sit in a public place, whatever its
basis, seems to have personally offended both of you,
based purely on theoretical statistical probabilities.
 Though the risk may be a small fraction of 1% based
on past statistics, the next person who may actually
have the misfortune to be so infected would experience
an occurrence level of 100%.

I would not want to be that person, and neither would
I like that to be someone I know, just because they
believed from your statistics that nothing similar
could ever happen to them.

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