On Apr 3, 2005 6:06 AM, godfrey gonsalves
> While Catholics world over mourn the demise of  His
> Holiness the   Pope ---John Paul II a Polish native
> born at Krakow Poland on 18th May 1920 , named  Karol
> Josef Wojtyla this writer remembers the ocassion of
> his visit to Goa in 1986.
>.............................Earlier  this writer as a child also
chanced to have a
close look almost at arms length to see Pope John Paul
the VI when he came to Mumbai (now Bombay) on   2nd
December 1964 for the International Eucharistic
Congress held at the Oval Maidan in Mumbai (then
Bombay ) from 2nd December to 5th December 1964 .  The
especially erected altar was the venue where  the huge
multitude had gathered while late Cardinal Valerian
Gracias of Bombay, a native of  Telaulim in Navelim
Salcete Goa did the honours on the ocassion.

RESPONSE: You would have seen Pope Paul VI in 1964, I believe he
followed Pope John XXIII. If the next Pope takes the name JOHN PAUL he
will become JOHN PAUL III.



Nice article nevertheless; I too got to see John Paul II at close
quarters when he visited the U.K. My family was on holiday in the U.K.
having come down from Singapore. We saw the Pope when he stayed with
the Papal Nuncion in Parkside, Wimbledon.

Gabe Menezes.
London England.

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