GL responds:
Does Avelino or any other Goan know the proportion of current (or 1970's) 
residents of Goa (native GOANS) that belonged to each of the four Varnas and 
those outside the Varna classification?

D'Souza, Avelino" 

After the British conquered Bengal and eventually the whole of India,
they set out to administer the colony. In this context they encountered
two phenomena with which they were not familiar: (1) the relation of
people to land for production (and not for revenue receiving, household
living, etc.), and (2) the caste system of India, viz. the jati
stratification of society.=20

Soon they realized that the varna stratification of society (which
denotes the varnas of Brahmans-mainly the priests, Kshatriya-the
warriors, Vaisya-the husbandmen, and Sudra-the lowly people) is not
unique to Indian society. In the late 19th and early 20th century, J.
Jolly (1896), H. Oldenberg (1897), E. Senart (1927), and others
clarified that the varnas denote the status system in Hindu society,
which (e.g. varnas) are found with different nomenclatures in other
societies of the world. I had discussed this point in my book entitled
The Dynamics of Rural Society (1957a).=20

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