>Earlier  this writer as a child also chanced to have a
>close look almost at arms length to see Pope John Paul
>the VI when he came to Mumbai (now Bombay) on   2nd
>December 1964 for the International Eucharistic
>Congress held at the Oval Maidan in Mumbai (then
>Bombay ) from 2nd December to 5th December 1964 .  The
>especially erected altar was the venue where  the huge
>multitude had gathered while late Cardinal Valerian
>Gracias of Bombay, a native of  Telaulim in Navelim
>Salcete Goa did the honours on the ocassion.
Not, John Paul the Vl. Just Paul the Vl, followed by John XXlll and the
two John Pauls.

I was also present in Bombay as well as at all the functions in Goa.

Erasmo, Inocencio Monteiro and the young clloector of Goa, Shakti (?)
had done a fine job of organizing the mega event.


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