The Sikh Federation of Britain paid tribute on Tuesday to Pope John Paul II, 
signalling its gratitude for his support of Sikhs during the past 20 years.

The pope's expression of "great sadness" at the Indian army assault on the 
Golden Temple in Amritsar in 1984, was an example of the late pope's support, 
the federation said in a statement.

The pontiff also voiced his "universal horror and dismay" at the massacres of 
up to 20,000 Sikhs in November 1984 after the assassination of Prime Minister 
Indira Gandhi by two of her Sikh bodyguards.

The group said contrasted that bloodbath with his own reaction and that of one 
billion Roman Catholics after he was shot and seriously wounded in 1981 by 
Mehmet Ali Agca, a Turkish fanatic whom the pontiff later publicly forgave.

More recently the pope had intervened in the French debate about the wearing 
of religious symbols in schools saying it was an "inalienable right" of Sikhs 
in France to practice and propagate their faith and said "no government should 
interfere with the inner core of any religion."

Several Sikh organisations sent a letter to the Vatican last week saying that 
its faithful were praying for the pope and the Catholics of the world, the 
statement said.

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