Philip Thomas wrote:

<< I dont know why some people feel the need to challenge every
imagined slight! >>

Because these self-appointed vigilantes insist on adding their two-penny bit to each and every post, to the chagrin of most Goanetters.

<<Beyond the mechanical matter of information exchange  is the more
substantive one of "community building" or socialisation. By participiating
in goanet we are willy nilly building a particular kind of community. We
teach each other and hopefully learn from others about being better persons.
As participants what would we like to be known for? It may be enough we can
aim to be people others would say they were glad to have known. Hence it may
not be necessary to set out to prove beyond all shadow of doubt to the
universe that XYZ is Rotten Egg No. 1!>>

Goanet Administration iis aware of some detractors who straddle other competitive mailing lists and don't have the best interest of Goanet at heart.

<<If I have missed something pls let me know!>>

A critical self-assessment may help foster true community building and development of esprit de corps amongst loyal members. IMHO, its better to have a few meaningful or substantive postings than the stuff we've recently seen which turns readers off and hogs the bandwidth.


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