This is from "Inside the Vatican". -FN

A Bishop According to John Paul's Heart?
- by Dr. Robert Moynihan, Editor, Inside the Vatican Magazine

VATICAN CITY, Wednesday, April 6, 2005 -- This afternoon, an
Italian colleague called me with a rumor.

He said he had heard from an Italian monsignor rather highly placed in the Vicariate of Rome that the Pope's testament, written on 16 pages, in Polish, beginning in 1979 (so, not just during his last illness), now translated into Italian, and which is due to be made public in a few hours, contains startling, almost incredible passages.

Before explaining what this monsignor told us, I wish to make one point clear: I am not reporting "news," I am reporting what they call in Italian a "voce," a "rumor."

Normally, of course, such rumors are not to be reported. It is a certain way to lose all journalistic credibility.

But I think I may be pardoned for mentioning this "rumor" here, for the following reasons.

First, that it is, in fact "true" -- that is, it is "true" that this rumor, amid many others, is flying about the city of Rome.

This tells us something about the mood in Rome right now. So, for those who are not in Rome, it seems important to inform them that in every cafe, on every street corner, in every newsroom, people are discussing rumors. "Did you hear that..." And, "No, but I heard this..." And so forth.

So, I am making the rather self-serving justification for publishing this rumor by claiming that I am making a contribution to the understanding of Rome's mood on the eve of the release of the contents of the Pope's testament. Historians may be grateful.

Second, it is a cautionary tale. In the absence of hard and clear news, rumors always germinate and grow, sometimes taking on a life of their own. We all have seen this phenomenon. So, to report this rumor in this case is to give a true insight into the "mood" and even the "mental world" in which journalists, Vatican monsignors and ordinary mourners in Rome are now living, just two days before John Paul's funeral, and 11 days before the scheduled opening of the papal conclave on April 18.

Finally, in this case, it seemed to me, that, since the Pope's testament will in any case be made public in less than 12 hours, most likely "scotching" this rumor for the "poison apple" (false story peddled by non-credible and perhaps malevolent sources) that one imagines it must be, it could be published now, in the middle of the Roman night, knowing that in a brief time it would be tested by the light of day, and the true facts.

I should also mention that I discussed this news this afternoon with producers at CNN and with other journalists, and all agreed it was not reportable "news" in that there was no way to check the report, especially given that all the cardinals who could confirm or deny it are sworn to secrecy under pain of excommunication.

What did my monsignor source say?

That John Paul II, in his testament, names the man he believes would make a worthy successor for him, and, that the name mentioned is that of an Italian bishop.

I will not speculate further on what this might mean; it will be soon enough for such meditations, tomorrow afternoon...

This same source said that the testament contains the name of a mystery cardinal "in pectore," but that, without the two written witnesses to confirm this name, the name will not be accepted.

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