--- "Frederick Noronha (FN)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Uday Bhembre has written the lead article in Fausto
> V da Costa's 'Goencho 
> Avaz' (Volume I Issue I) that hit the stands in
> April 2005, under the 
> above title (Goans, in Goa and Outside).
> Goans in Europe, US and Canada have become "pordexi
> Goenkars", unlikely to 
> return back. 

I had come in contact with a Goan priest based in
Karachi. He was born and brought up in Karachi, but
yet speaks konkani, though not fluently.  When he was
here in Melbourne on a year's sabbatical at our
parish, we managed a conversation in "Konglish" at
various times.

However, he was quite critical of the World Goa Day -
his complaint was that World Goa Day does absolutely
nothing for Konkani or Goa. "You dance and have a good
time, but the end result is that you come out of the
WGD celebration as ignorant about Goa as you were when
you went in", he said, especially with regards to the
new generation.  

I felt quite embarassed by his views, as I myself am
guilty of not having passed on the languages I learnt
when I was a kid to my progeny - Konkani and
Portuguese.  Though grown up, I try to teach them a
few sentences in both languages now and then, but this
is not true imparting of knowledge as they would not
be able to converse or joke in either.  Mind you, my
Konkani is not the same that is taught in schools in
Goa today. 

I know that there is a large effort in promoting
Konkani in Portugal. Are there any efforts being made
to promote Konkani elsewhere in the world? 

On the other hand, would Goans settled elsewhere in
the world be interested in learning Konkani and
imparting the language and the culture to the next
generation (other than the oft-beaten mando "Tambde


Gabriel de Figueiredo.
Melbourne - Australia.

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