Show me someone who doesn't like potatoes..and i'll show you snow on the 
Equator.But alas!The scrumptious spud continues to get rotten reviews in the 
press.Not its fault,of course.Its drunk in oil,soaked in fat,and served with 
dripping butterand cheese,so what do you expect?

So,  rethink your opnion of the humble spud.Its actually a healthy,nourishing 
vegetableat heart.Did you know that a potato is 80 percent water,and no fat -
unless,of course fried and combined with other fattening ingredients?.

For starters,potatoes are free of fat,cholestrol,sodium and saturated fat.And 
they contain a whole lot of health benefits.
Carbohydrates:Potatoes contain complex carbohydrates that release their energy 
slowly,keeping the blood sugar levels steadier for longer.Energy-intensive 
potato starch is a great anti-inflammatory ingredient for gastro-intestinal 
disease.Its an expert at flushing out toxins.
Vitamins:A storehouse of vital vitamin c, the potato also loads you with hard -
to-get B6.

Minerals:Cooked right, potatoes giv you valuable supplies of essential trace 
elements such as manganese ,chromium,selenium and molybdenum
Fibre:High in fibre,potatoes aid the digestive system;They absorb water, 
which  makes one feel satisfied and less hungry.An average serving of potatoes 
gives you about 10 per cent of your daily requirements of fibre,which is 
essential for good digestion.
Iron: Eat potatoes daily and youl get more iron than any other vegetable.
So next time when you look at the potatoes dont be afraid!!! Rather gobble 
them up with delight!

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