Santosh Helekar wrote:
"In any case, I want to apologize to Bevinda, Cecil,
Mervyn, Seb and Rebecca for using their names without
their permission to poke some fun, and use them as
examples of brain-washed people."

Santosh, you need never apologise to me. Even if you spell apologise the American way with a 'z'. Feel free to call me brain washed, brain damaged, brain dead, brain less or whatever you wish as long as it is meant in jest or as a sarcastic tool, as was obvious in your posting.


"I also want to saythat Mario Goveia is most likely a good man who just
cannot resist being hostile and hyper-defensive in
debate. I have my faults as well. So I want to
apologize to him and others for any excesses that I
might have committed. From now on I will leave Mr.
Goveia alone."

Yes that 'infected needles' debate had been going on much too long, but I think it also was beneficial in the sense that people will think twice before simply forwarding panic-creating hoaxes in future. The long drawn debate also brought a few worms out of the woodwork to comment. Hopefully they will continue to interact and contribute and not just complain. As for leaving "Mr. Goveia alone", I don't know what to say. If anyone continues to be personally abusive I think he/she has to be told off by other subscribers. We can't always expect the Admin Team to step in and play Big Momma.




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