I have no idea what "academic model" you are referring
to.  Seems to me your continuing demand for
statistical information is the academic approach.  I
have no interest in knowing what proportion of Goans
belong to the various "varnas", etc. which is giving
the problem far too much respect in my opinion.
All I want is for Catholic Goans to stop
discriminating against other Catholic Goans on the
basis of congenital factors, which includes caste, and
simultaneously expand this to all others as well.  
Two of my three ABCD kids have married Caucasians and
the third is likely to do the same, so I don't have a
personal dog in this fight.  However, we still get
inquiries from Goans within and outside the US asking
about someone or other's caste.  That, plus the actual
experiences within my extended family and close
friends are my only clue that the attitude still
survives.  Yes, my only experience of the Goan caste
system has been during the matchmaking-for-marriage
You are correct in saying that growing numbers of our
next generation are marrying outside the community,
not just in the diaspora but in India as well.  This
applies to non-Goans as well, the result of education
westernization and modernization.  However, if you are
familiar with the huge Goan "picnics" taking place
across North America over entire weekends, attended by
thousands, many of the attendees are trying to find
matches within the community for their kids.  Whether
caste plays any role here, I have no way of knowing. 
As in the community at large, it probably does among
some people.
I have no learned approaches to the problem other than
to expose it and confront it when it rears it's ugly
head, as I have done since I was a kid myself, and
provide moral and actual support to anyone who is
facing the problem within their own families.
Good luck in your efforts.

--- Gilbert Lawrence <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi Cornel and Mario,
> You guys and others can continue to stick to the
> academic model which you have 
> built about Goans and continue to expand on the
> discrimination in our society. 
> But I would agree with Cornel that, Goans (including
> me) can certainly improve 
> on our intermingling skills beyond our small circle
> of same-old-friends. 

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