What makes low-cost carriers tick?


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Next comes turnaround times. Regular airlines have to grapple with a higher
turnaround time of anything between 45 minutes to an hour. For conventional
airlines, their average aircraft utilisation is only eight-nine hours a day
(compared to a good 11 hours for an Air Deccan, for instance.) Which means
more parking space rentals, higher costs, and therefore, higher airfares.

Not so for low-cost airlines like Air Deccan. "We manage to keep turnaround
time to as brief as 15 minutes. Not only does this keep costs low, but also
enables us fly more often," says Mr Gopinath. More revenues for them, lower
ticket prices for travellers, win-win for all.

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Hope the Navy realises that the world of aviation has really changed
(including in India)!

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