--- Cecil Pinto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> If the 'main protagonists' decide to call it off
does that mean the rest of us are supposed to lie down
and die? You have irritated all of us here and 
continue to do so with your lame defense of this
whole dragged on debate.
> As far as adding nothing to the debate please go
through the archives and see my posting on the
'gullibility virus'. That should have given you an 
indication as to what my viewpoint was.

Mario replies:
OK, Cecil, if that's the way you feel, we can continue
this as long as you want.  BTW, your posts are as
irrelevent and insulting as the others I responded to,
and had little if anything to do with the discussion.
Cecil writes:
> Know ye all that Mario has attacked my viewpoint and
demanded explanations privately, semi-privately and in
public. I chose not to reply because I did not want to
be the target of his abusive pen. But now I have no
other recourse and if he chooses to turn his guns on
me I will try and make the effort to reply. On the
other hand... I don't want to bore you folks and so 
will just ignore his pricks.
Mario replies:
Goanetters should note that Cecil could have, by his
own admission, answered my questions privately,
thereby refraining from "boring" the rest of you. I
did not "attack" his viewpoint at all, just asked him
specific questions.  Instead, he has preferred to
continue to "bore" you. Apparently asking him
privately to be specific is to make him the "target of
my abusive pen" and to "turn my guns" on him.  His 
problem is that I have asked him to send me specific
examples of where I have STARTED an abusive line, as
opposed to retaliating to the abuse of others, which
he has failed to do, obviously because he cannot. 
Now, he is trying to claim the high road, while only
succeeding in digging a deeper hole.
Cecil writes:
> Agreed that others involved in the debate might have
sometimes crossed the line of civilised debate. I am
inclined to overlook their minor aberrations when I
see the larger picture of what they represent. They
have the community's best interests at heart, which
has been proven over continual interaction over the
years. Maybe you do too. But ever since you started 
posting you have brutally attacked anyone who
refutes your views and seem to take great pleasure in
being insulting.

Mario replies:
Goanetters will note that Cecil's indignation is not
objective, it is subjective and selective, depending
on whether he "likes" the person or not.  Apparently,
Cecil is wise enough to see "the larger picture" of
what someone represents, and is now a "defender" of
the community at large.  He is willing to overlook
what HIS friends write, "for the greater good of the
community."  Yet, he cannot give me specific examples
of what he is talking about, after I have asked him
specific questions.

Cecil writes:
Perhaps if you took a less aggressive approach and
worked hand in hand with all of us you might change
this impression you have created. I am sure there is a
lot we can gain from your interaction but not if it
comes with a loaded pointed gun at the side.

Mario replies:
Anyone, including Cecil, who chooses to look up the
archives, and not respond based on his personal
friendships, would see that, when George Pinto exposed
the hoax, which he did literally within minutes, I
immediately acknowledged this and sent George's
message to all the people who had received the
original hoax.  Was this not working hand-in-hand with

Yet, a couple of what turns out to be Cecil's cronies,
later joined by Cecil, continued for weeks to falsely
insist that I was defending the hoax and perpetuating
it. Then thanks to the comments of people like
Bevinda, Rebecca, Marlon and others, they stopped, but
Cecil has chosen to continue, while refusing to
acknowledge information I sent him privately or to
answer specific questions I asked him privately.

Cecil writes: 
> I hope that this is the last word I have to say on
this issue. I do not want to be remembered here as a
bore who dragged a debate on-and-on-and-on.

Mario replies:
Cecil, I think with your comments in the post I am
responding to here, you have achieved what you wanted
to avoid.  It is YOU who said, and I quote, "If the
'main protagonists' decide to call it off does that
mean the rest of us are supposed to lie down and die?"
 So, it IS YOU who has chosen to intervene in this
debate, IT IS YOU who has defiantly made the statement
I have just quoted.  So, it is UP TO YOU to decide
what you want to do next.  As always, I will respond

Cecil writes:
> Have a good weekend, Mario. I definitely will.
Mario  replies:
Why, thank you, Cecil, and the same to you.  I always
have good weekends, and weekdays as well.

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