Did the Pope apologise for the Inquisition as Parrikar claims?

Mr Parrikar stated that Pope John Paul II was truly
pragmatic and understood the changing scenario of
the world. Recognising the deep anguish caused by the
misadventure of inquisition, he further mentioned
that he had the grace to apologise for the same and apply
a soothing balm on festering wounds.

It doesn't seem to be the case. See the list below. The ex-CM (or his advisors) seems to have got his facts wrong.



* On October 31, 1992, he apologised for the persecution of the Italian philosopher Galileo Galilei in the trial by the Roman Catholic Church in 1633.

* On August 9, 1993, he apologised for Catholic involvement with the African slave trade.

* In May, 1995, in the Czech Republic, he begged forgiveness for the Church's role in stake burnings and the religious wars that followed the Protestant Reformation.

* On July 10, 1995, he released a letter to "every woman" to apologise for the Church's stance against women's rights and for the historical denigration of women.

* On March 16, 1998 he apologised for the inactivity and silence of Roman Catholics during the Holocaust.

* On December 18, 1999, he apologised for the execution of Jan Hus in 1415.

* During a public Mass of Pardons on March 12, 2000, he asked forgiveness for the sins of Catholics throughout the ages for violating "the rights of ethnic groups and peoples, and shown contempt for their cultures and religious traditions."

* On May 4, 2001, he apologised to the Patriarch of Constantinople for the sins of the Crusader conquest of Constantinople in 1204.

* On November 22, 2001, he apologised, via the Internet, for missionary abuses in the past against indigenous peoples of the South Pacific.

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