On 4/8/05, Cajetan Rego <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> In January 2005,though things were not completely
> perfect, there was no crisis in the state. Goa ranked
> as the No.1 state in India. The Parrikar Government
> had..........................................

RESPONSE: I had dismissed Cajetan Rego's posting off hand, without
countering the post. I have since had a rethink, coming to the
conclusion that one should counter such posts with due forte. It is
easy to be dismissive and confine such posts the garbage bin, however
many of our readers might have actually succumbed to the propaganda (
as I see it) so it is right and fitting to re butt what was posted.

I find it difficult to come to terms with 'Parikkar's accommodation
with Shri Monserate', as he put, it just so that he could continue in
governance. This act in itself shows that Parrikar would move Heaven
and Earth to remain in power. There is more than meets the eye and
what Parrikar has stated in regard to the removal of Monserate is just
hogwash. It in fact shows that the man is not above accommodation when
and if it suits his purpose. He was even willing to look aside as
Monserate milked the cow - this is what he has clearly stated - it was
only when he felt that Monserate had overstepped his given line that
Parrikar eventually intervened!.

So now you have it an ex CM who is willing and able to overlook graft.
What followed , in regard to the expulsion is just bull, for Goan
public consumption. Cajetan Rego seems to think that Parrikar's
accommodation of people who err and who do so big time, is quite
alright - the aim being to remain in Government.

Cajetan Rego has conveniently side stepped the inexcusable expulsion,
of Felipe Neri and the contorted fix perpetrated by the Speaker and
some more members of the Government. I would remind readers, that
Parrikar's hand was in this - if not, then he is not fit to lead the
Government - knowing nothing of what goes on!

Parrikar not wanting greetings on his birthday and acknowledgment
according to Cajetan Rego is meant to deceive the people of Goa.
Parrikar is deliberately painting himself as a goody, goody. The truth
of funds misappropriated will only come to light, if and when the
Governor proposes a complete audit of the expenditure incurred.
Parrikar has not answered pertinent questions put to him and his
Government; for instance the overspend on building the Cineplex as
compared to costs of building a similar project elsewhere in India.

Goa was a tourist destination long before Parrikar came on the scene
and for Cajetan Rego to give credit to Parrikar for this happening is,
well quite ignorant. Anyway what good is it to the local people of Goa
? Most of the money earned does not remain in Goa. A very big
proportion of the people working in the tourism are not Goans. So
there is nothing to crow about Goa being the showcase of Indian
tourism; what this has created, is in fact inflation which the local
people can ill afford. There are scores of people in Goa relying on
remittances from relatives working abroad - cut that off and many
would be destitute. The bottom line is that Goa and Goans are being
exploited in monetary terms as well as in terms of the environment and
available resources.

Cajetan Rego has conveniently ignored Parrikar's push to exclude
Catholic Goans in Government Administrative posts. In a short space of
time, with more and more Catholic Goans taking employment abroad, the
strings that will be pulled, will be to the detriment of many Goans.
Parrikar is very sweet with words - words cost nothing, unfortunately
people like Cajetan Rego are easily bought.

The only one who did support Parrikar on this forum in the past was
Gaspar Almeida. He has gone quiet recently, perhaps because of the
adverse events that befell his beloved BJP. Now in his place we have
Carlos 6143 and Cajetan Rego. Unofrtunately if things go wrong, the
rest of Goanetters will not be able to vent our feelings on either
Carlos 6143 or Cajetan Rego, we do not know these people. Now if
Gaspar Almeida were to throw his hat in with these two then we can and
will be able to have our fingers pointedly and wagging at that.

I would urge our readers not to be taken in by such shallow postings
which are nothing but propaganda. I have said this before - you court
the BJP at your own peril. It is a crying shame that accommodation by
some members of the Congress Party were responsible for bringing this
blight on the people of Goa. The people of Goa should now look to
electing people from a different shade, why not try the Goa Suraj
party and the recent incarnation from Margao?


Gabe Menezes.
London, England

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