Would there be an interest in building up a public archive of old Goan photographs? I think pictures tell a story well, and we need to collate and put out in cyberspace photographs that tell the story of Goa.

If this suggestion makes sense to you, send me a note. We could work out ways to build an archive, which then becomes a community asset, and is available to anyone who'd like to access, republish or otherwise share it.

 _/ ____\____    Frederick Noronha * Freelance Journalist * Goa
 \   __\/    \   India T +91.832.2409490 M +919822 122436
  |  | |   |  \  http://fn.swiki.net http://goabooks.swiki.net
  |__| |___|  /  http://www.bytesforall.net http://www.bytesforall.org
            \/   -----------------------------------------------------
  Sign up for low-volume, high-quality news summaries and updates from
  Goa at http://newsfromgoa.swiki.net * It's free and volunteer-driven.

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