On 4/17/05, jeron haldankar <goanet@goanet.org> wrote:
> Hello Goanetters,
> One who is working in arab world, will be well aware that for the Arabs, every
> Indian is a Keralite, as they seem to know only two questions,
> Where are you from? and the answer will be India. and their next question will
> be KERELA?

RESPONSE: This same sort of discrimination was applied to the Jews by
the Germans; it was jealousy. The people of Kerala are part and parcel
of India. Either Goa gets out (impossible) of India or Goans start to
learn to apply more work ethic like the people of Kerala and

Unfortunately/fortunately there is more to life than making money, so
be happy, drink the feni and I shall drink Stella!


Gabe Menezes.
London England.

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