<< Gabe Menezes Responds to Aloysius: I have written before on this - many have studied at Catholic Institutions but they pander to the RSS and Hindutva brigade. >>

As an alumnus of St. Patrick's Karachi,, I am grateful and indebted to the missionaries for the sound education and basic religious grounding inculcated by my alma mater. Many Muslims vied for their children's admission and sought our assistance because ofr the uncompromised quality of teaching in Catholic schools back home.

True, some favours may have been dispensed for the filthy rich or upon frequent demands from politicians but there was also a lot of subsidized or free education for the under privileged, including non-Catholics.

Besides people of other faith, haven't many cradle Catholics become turncoats and thrive on criticising and pandering to self-interest groups? Our ancestors or forebears would have abhorred all such betrayal or attempts at doing the politically correct thing. It would be anathema for them!


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