
Would not the nomination of a Indian pope also suggest
a pseudo-colonialist mentality .. afterall, the Indian
pope would serve as a figure head/puppet to encourage
the spread of a foreign culture and religion in a
"heathen" (aka hindu) nation. 

Furthermore, would it not be better to inspire Goa's
youth to aspire for a Goan/Indian Nobel prize winner
rather than a religious figurehead that leads a
gradually decaying institution (aka christianity) that
is based on mythology and irrational thought. Why
bother with a Goan leading an increasingly irrelevant

The only reason why an African, Asian or a South
American pope may get nominated is because these are
their only growth markets left. Kind of reminds me of
the Miss Universe beauty pagents!


--- George Pinto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I am not so sure how many Goanetters will be
> thrilled.  We saw a number of emotional and
> uncritical comments (sometimes incorrect) on this
> forum when John Paul II died.  It is expected
> when people die. This may be the best chance for an
> Indian Pope and a rare moment.  But the lack
> of enthusiasm for Cardinal Dias leads me to believe
> we either have the crab mentality or the
> colonial mindset at work.  Why no cheerleading even
> if we have no say in the outcome?  
> Regarding Cardinal Ivan Dias, even though his
> chances were better when the BJP was in power, he is
> still a noteworthy candidate from a country of 800
> million Hindus, 150 million Muslims.  Very few
> Cardinals have that kind of secular democractic
> backing.  There are a number of major world issues
> and who knows who will be elected to deal with them.
>  But some of us can still hope and let the
> Conclave do the rest.  
> Pope John Paul III from Mumbai.  With his diplomatic
> skills and some progressive reform he could
> leave a legacy greater than JP II.  If he is
> elected, you will see the bandwagon grow and many
> will see the possibility AFTER the fact.  Years of
> colonialism have left their mark on the Goan
> psyche.....I think the majority believe only a white
> Pope is deserving.  
> Regards,
> George

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