Hi Cecil,  sent Steve the article, he said it was 500
rupees, credit to your new account !  They think Rats
was the one who poisoned John Paul 1.  Eric.
--- Cecil Pinto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Below is the full text of the article by V.M. in
> Herald. it has been posted 
> here with his permission. Any comments?
> Cecil
> ====
> Goa's Stealth Transformation
> by V. M. de Malar
> Our state is really hot right now, and we're not
> talking about the
> oppressively humid weather. Every second person you
> meet declares
> blithely that he's "in real estate", and old houses
> and sleepy village
> vaddos are suddenly coming to life. We've become a
> retirement and
> investment destination of choice among those who
> used to head to the
> Algarve and the Costa del Sol. And seemingly
> overnight, in a time span
> that's a mere blink of the eye given our long
> history, our society is
> steadily being transformed.
> Real estate agents say that there has never been a
> period like this
> before. Middle-aged British couples aren't just
> tricking into Goa
> anymore, they now pound a steady drumbeat of demand
> for beach condos.
> Israelis no longer come to Anjuna just for a few
> months break after
> military service; they stay on in the thousands for
> most of the year
> and have created a closed economy that is for, by
> and of the
> settlement of Sabras. Italians, Swedes and Danes are
> no longer a
> novelty; you can scarcely throw a stone at Benaulim
> or Baga without
> clobbering two. A curious semi-cult of Taiwanese
> selling cheap
> chappals and expensive tofu lives on our soil, plus
> an immense number
> of Germans who all seem to either bird-watch or bake
> artisanal breads.
> You may think you've discovered the real, untouched,
> Goa when you
> drive through pastoral scenes to a far-flung  beach,
> passing only
> traditional agriculturalists. But pay attention to
> the motorcycle
> riders zooming imperiously past on snorting Enfields
> ­ those are small
> French families among the bullock-carts, and
> tattooed and nose-ringed
> Spanish girls riding pillion to purple-haired
> Japanese. Get to the
> coast and your completely typical village store and
> you'll see a sign
> advertising "fresh feta cheese" and "organic rocket
> leaves" right
> alongside the usual plastic buckets and sachets of
> cheap shampoo. The
> bhaile don't just come to visit anymore, they stay
> forever, start
> hydroponic farms, cure Danish-style bacon and become
> yoga instructors.
> How and why is this happening, and should we start
> to get worried?
> Let's address that last question first. The only
> reasonable answer is:
> no, not yet. It is irritating, lets admit it, that
> this huge influx of
> people has made Goans unwanted outsiders to whole
> localities and parts
> of the nightlife economy. But who among us
> particularly wants to
> ingest vast quantities of LSD and spend the night
> twitching
> involuntarily to inhumanly loud electronic noise?
> It's their thing,
> and if it produces even a small effect for our local
> economy then let
> these people do their thing without disturbance, as
> long as they don't
> disturb us egregiously either. And if this sudden
> craze for ancient
> ramshackle houses results in some of our charming
> architectural assets
> being renovated, can we really be too perturbed? Our
> whole culture is
> erected on a relaxed laizzez-faire ethic, why make
> an exception now?
> But look at the whys, and hows, and then we might
> really want to start
> monitoring what is underway. Because we Goans are
> scampering at high
> speed to sell off our limited property for a
> pittance, in an unseemly
> and often nauseating rush to make a quick buck. Most
> of the people who
> are buying here are doing so because you can buy
> mansions for the
> price of half a hovel virtually anywhere else.
> Should we continue to
> value our last precious assets so unbelievably
> cheaply? And should one
> of our unique selling propositions really be that
> our system is so
> broken and corrupt that you can get away with
> anything for a price?
> How it is happening can be summed up in two words
> like a lot else in
> Goa: total chaos. We don't know how many people have
> settled in our
> small state, and we don't really know whether they
> stay on and buy
> property legally. We don't know anything about the
> illegal parallel
> economy that used to be restricted to drugs and
> flea-bitten bazaars,
> but now includes every imaginable service and
> consumer item. We have
> no idea what the precise impact of this stealth
> invasion is on
> inflation, on health indices, on water tables, on
> green cover, on
> pollution. We know next to nothing other than it is
> happening in a big
> way, and these "new" Goans are everywhere. It's
> really is time to
> start paying attention.
> =====

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