This is from the IHT:

VATICAN CITY  Mischievous headline writers called him the Panzer Cardinal. 
But maybe the Steamroller Cardinal would be more apt.

Joseph Ratzinger of Germany became Pope Benedict XVI in rapid fashion,
rushing to election by a scant four votes over less than 24 hours in
conclave. How it happened began to emerge Wednesday once the cardinals who
chose him left the secret gathering and were no longer bound by a gag order
imposed by Ratzinger the week before it started.

It was, several cardinals said, his brilliant performance in the weeks
leading up to the conclave that helped make his election more probable than
had been expected, several cardinals said Wednesday.

His deep knowledge of the Vatican bureaucracy, linguistic ability and
intellectual heft also played important roles, the cardinals said in
interviews and news conferences.

Ratzinger was widely believed to be a leading vote-getter going in, but was
thought by some Vatican analysts and prelates to have only a modest chance
of election. His age, 78, and reputation for divisiveness were blamed. Most
thought he would swing his votes to a fellow conservative.

But the cardinals defied those expectations.

In picking Ratzinger, they were clearly drawn to his defense of traditional
Roman Catholic doctrine in the face of what he called the "dictatorship of
relativism," or shifting winds of belief in a secular society, during the
Mass that opened the conclave on Monday.

His choice also indicated that they believed shoring up the fundamentals of
the faith was a main priority, despite extensive discussion about the needs
of the church in Latin America and elsewhere outside Europe.

But it was also his dignified celebration of John Paul's funeral Mass on
April 8; his guiding hand in the cardinals' daily meetings during the
interregnum, or period between popes; and the preconclave Mass that helped
to convince the cardinals. Ratzinger fulfilled those roles by virtue of his
position as dean of the college.

"When one keeps in mind the way in which Cardinal Ratzinger led the funeral
mass and also the way he led the cardinals' college when they had their
meetings," said Cardinal Wilfrid Fox Napier of South Africa, "I think he
showed great leadership quality, which must obviously have influenced what
people thought about him."

Napier said many of the 115 cardinal electors were well aware of Ratzinger's
reputation as a hard-line corrector of error, or may even have seen it up
close. But in recent weeks they had a chance to experience his "gently
humble" aspect, as well as his willingness to work with other cardinals in a
collegial way, he said.

"Probably many of us did not know that side of Cardinal Ratzinger," the
South African prelate said. "That's a side of his character that the job he
was doing before did not allow much scope to."

Under John Paul, Ratzinger was prefect of the congregation for the doctrine
of the faith for nearly 25 years, in effect serving as the guardian of
orthodoxy. He had broad authority to punish errant theologians and to rule
on many aspects of church life.

Cardinal Rosalio Castillo Lara of Venezuela agreed that Benedict's
performance was critical. "He did it very well, with great serenity, much
tact and also much humility," he was quoted as saying by the newspaper La
Stampa in Turin.

Benedict's abilities in English, French and Italian and experience in the
Curia helped. And the fact that he was one of only three cardinal electors
chosen by Pope Paul VI (John Paul II chose the rest) gave him "great credit
before the world," he said.

Exactly how Benedict came to be elected is, naturally, a secret, given the
strict oaths to keep the proceedings private that had been demanded by John
Paul. Cardinals who spoke to reporters afterward stuck by their oath.

"You can deduce that we were convinced that he was the man God had 
indicated to us," said Cardinal Christoph Scho"nborn.

But comments by cardinals before the conclave and by their aides, analysis
by papal historians, and reports by astute Italian "vaticanisti," or Vatican
news specialists, can give some hints about what happened inside the Sistine
Chapel, where the cardinals were locked in Monday afternoon with
Michelangelo's frescoes and the task of electing a spiritual leader for 1.1
billion Catholics.

Most agreed that Ratzinger entered the conclave as the man with the most
support - perhaps 30 to 50 votes out of the necessary two-thirds, or 77.

During the first vote Monday night, it must have become clear that his
position was strong enough to be a viable candidacy. Two ballots on Tuesday
morning sealed the deal, and he was elected on the fourth.

"That is certainly a very evident sign of great concord and agreement about
what God's will indicated to us," Scho"nborn said.

Cardinal Cormac Murphy-O'Connor, archbishop of Westminster, said he was "not
altogether surprised" by the election of Benedict. "I think everyone knew
that, of those who might be created pope, he who was formerly Cardinal
Ratzinger was a very strong candidate, notwithstanding age or anything

Murphy-O'Connor gave some insight into how the votes flowed.

"You say, 'For the good of the church, this man seems to be the one that
most of the cardinals want,"' he said. "If a cardinal has another view, he
would say, 'Maybe they are right, and for the unity of the church and what I
see is right, I will maybe change my vote and vote for him."'

Cardinal Francis George of Chicago said at a news conference that the choice
"was clear almost from the beginning."

A more detailed analysis is almost impossible to present with any certainty,
but that did not stop the Vatican analysts

Several said that the more progressive opposition to Ratzinger lacked unity
and, seeing his strength, they wanted to avoid a drawn-out conclave that
would have signaled a divided church.

Marco Politi of La Repubblica newspaper suggested that support had been
coalescing around Ratzinger as early as Christmas, given the sense that John
Paul's health was taking a serious turn for the worse.

Going into the conclave, he had active help in mustering votes from powerful
cardinals of the Roman Curia in charge of major departments, including
Dari'o Castrillo'n Hoyos, Alfonso Lo'pez Trujillo and Julia'n Herranz, a
member of Opus Dei. Giovanni Battista Re, Crescenzio Sepe and Angelo Sodano
were also mentioned as Ratzinger backers, perhaps in the second round

Several of these cardinals may have done some active campaigning Monday
night, after the first ballot, Corriere della Sera wrote.

Schönborn may also have helped his candidacy. He is another Ratzinger
follower and, as archbishop of Vienna, a prelate with strong East European

The tipping point came, Politi wrote, when two crucial Italians - Camillo
Ruini, John Paul's longtime vicar of Rome, and Angelo Scola, the patriarch
of Venice who had often been mentioned as a candidate - threw their support
to Cardinal Ratzinger.

Scola had worked in Ratzinger's congregation.

The prospect of a drawn-out battle most likely scared off the opposition,
and their leader, Carlo Maria Martini, sent his votes to Ratzinger.

Cardinal Martini may have had an inkling of what was ahead. On the weekend
before the conclave, a priest who had seen him said he appeared to be

During the balloting, the progress of Benedict's candidacy was apparent
because votes were read out loud.

Sometime late Tuesday afternoon, probably between 5 and 5:30, he reached the
77 needed for election. The cardinals gasped, and then clapped,
Murphy-O'Connor said.

Cardinal Joachim Meisner of Germany burst into tears, he told The Associated

The new pope had his head bowed, and was probably praying.

"He couldn't have been unaware," Murphy-O'Connor said, "that this was quite
likely to happen."

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