Hi Viviana

I would take your comments seriously if you offered comments all along on some 
of the issues I
have discussed on this forum.  I am not worried who is insulted or offended 
these days, as people
hide some of their own prejudices and feelings behind such public exclamations.

In fact, should I feel insulted that:
1. The Catholic Taliban is firmly entrenched in the Vatican and women are 
summarily dismissed as
not equal to men and therefore cannot be priests.  
2. Should I further be insulted that most Catholics on this forum did not speak 
out against the
priest sex abuse scandal in the USA.  I cannot recall if you spoke out or not.
3. Should I then be further be insulted that most Catholics on this forum did 
not back the idea of
the having the Archdiocese of Goa make a public comment on the priest sex abuse 
scandal in the
4. Perhaps I should be most insulted that Catholics on this forum do not speak 
out against the
Catholic jihadists (Opus Dei).
5. Or should I save my feelings of insult that most of the top honors of Popes 
and saints go to
Europeans, and Goans silently accept this? 

We are very selective and choosy, are we not?


--- Viviana <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > George - I like the way you toss out ideas while making sure you cannot 
> be called to be answer for them...."A number of critics have 
> suggested...."  "Others have gone further......."   "It has been 
> suggested....."    Nice trick! ;-)))
> Personally I'm insulted by the notion that people without formal 
> education and without money are by definition stupid and gullible,

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