--- George Pinto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Mario and Viviana:
> I am afraid your logic will lead the Taliban in
> Afganistan and others to conclude that is ok to
> discriminate against women in the manner they have:
> that's our religion, take it or leave it.  No
> room for rational thinking, just be obedient to the
> Dark Ages.
> Here are some insights into the issue sent to me by
a Goan woman by private email so I have not included
her name.  I am forwarding without comment.
Mario replies:
George, I wouldn't worry too much about the Taliban's
attitude towards women if I were you.  Firstly, they
were blatant misogynists, not just discriminatory. 
Secondly, they are currently in the process of
becoming obsolete.

You can question the Catholic religion all you want,
and make rational arguments till the cows come home,
and all you'll get in return is major angst.  I don't
think you can dispute the fact that the Catholic
Church is a "take it or leave it" proposition.  In
fact, Benedict XVI, who is now "infallible" in the
Catholic Church in matters of faith and morals, and
also it's leading theologian, has written that he sees
no problem with a smaller church as an alternative to
compromising on core values.  So, there you have it.

The insights by the Goan woman are reflected and
duplicated by similar opinions all over the place,
including some leading nuns.  Makes no difference,
because the Church looks at these things through
different lenses.  The Church alleges that women are
no less than men, they just have a different role.

Whether you or me or Viviana like it or not, until the
Holy Ghost inspires Benedict XVI or one of his
successors that something should change, it ain't
gonna happen, as we say in the hood.

Finally, I wish you liberal thinkers would study how
democratically and well the distaff side of our Church
is run when compared to the top-down "it's the Pope's
way or the highway" governance of the priest side. 
Orders of nuns are largely autonomous and run from the
bottom up.  Every Mother Superior is elected by her
peers, ambition is a demerit, and perceived leadership
and personal example rules the day.  In addition to
studying the "dabbawallahs" in Mumbai, Harvard should
study the governance of any Order of Nuns, each of
which is a true major multi-national organization that
is organized and managed better than most
corporations.  The Mother Superior General is elected
by the regional Mother Superiors and functions like a
CEO, but serves only a maximum of two, six-year terms,
then goes back to the "mailroom" where she began.  I
have a cousin who is one of these amazing women and I
am in total awe of the management principles and

By the way, there are now fifteen, yes, I said
fifteen, orders of nuns that are headquartered in
Europe, whose Mother Superior Generals are from India.
 As one would expect they come from either Goa or
Mangalore or Kerala.  About eight of them are
headquartered in Rome, the others in various other
parts of Europe.

If one of our journalists are interested in
researching and writing about this, please let me know
and I'll hook you up.

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