Thanks Santosh!
NASA has included our findings in a report that it has prepared for a
Congressional hearing and our paper is going to be distributed on Capitol
Hill - but as you say I doubt anyone  that matters is really listening.
Yes I would have had something to contribute to the polemic on global
warming in this forum but unfortunately I was in the Antarctica experiencing
global warming first hand! Did you see the paper about the Antarctic
peninsula melting in the same issue of Science?

>the Eurasian Landmass Is Making the Arabian Sea More
>Productive", Joaquim I. Goes, Prasad G. Thoppil,
>Helga do R Gomes, and John T. Fasullo. Science 22
>April 2005: 545-547.

Congratulations on the SCIENCE paper!
I wish you were here during the crotchety global
warming debate on Goanet. We could certainly have used
some input from a real environmental scientist,

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