By George!

Poor = uneducated, vulnerable, stupid, fully convertible[
debentures?],neo-slaves, neo-colonised people?
> George Pinto wrote:
> >...A number of critics have suggested that missionary activity targets
vulnerable people (poor, uneducated) who convert under duress (not of their
free will) since they are poor and uneducated.  Others have gone further
calling it modern day slavery and subjugating people to foreign powers, a
kind of neo-colonialism.
: Viviana <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> replied
> George - I like the way you toss out ideas while making sure you cannot
> be called to be answer for them.
 Personally I'm insulted by the notion that people without formal
> education and without money are by definition stupid and gullible, and
> I'm surprised that a man of your liberal sensibilities would imply such
> a thing.   Viviana

And to think that our Right Venerable George Pinto wanted the poor Indian
Bishop of Goan origin to become Pope John Paul-III or whatever! What is he
reading these days: the history of the Slave Dynasty in Delhi?
Qutb-din-Aibak built the Qutb Minar in Old Delhi and Ivan Dias could
likewise build a monument in St.Peter's Square, Rome, perhaps. Why not
promote a modern day Razia Sultan to the throne of a Slave
Dynasty...Sr..Nirmala, may be. Or a Carmelite nun of Goan origin!! George
could have answered slavery and gender issues in one go. He can start now.
George is about half his age and is likely to outlive the current Pope to
get a second chance of being the male equivalent of the "Queen Mother" for
female Papacy ;-))  It seems ridiculous that George should want to choose
the head of what he calls "The Catholic Taliban " that worships the
Immaculate Conception or Mary as the  Mother of God.
Elsewhere George Pinto wrote:
> >In fact, should I feel insulted that:
> >1. The Catholic Taliban is firmly entrenched in the Vatican and women are
summarily dismissed as
> >not equal to men and therefore cannot be priests.
Emperor Constatine converted to Christianity that later spread it throughout
Roman Empire and thus  became "Catholic" or "universal" . He was neither
poor nor a slave. I doubt he was stupid..or he
would not have capture Rome. Kings of Europe were not poor; neither were the
noblemen and women, yet they converted.

The Naga, Garo, Kashi and Jaintia tribes of the North East are neither poor
nor stupid. They are almost 100% Christian.The Nagas were smart enough to
make English their official language instead of fighting over the 16 Naga
dialects while the Maharastrians and Kannadigas fight over Kannada v/s
Marathi and Goans join the fight with their Marathi v/s Konkani.The word
'tribal' is neither synonymous with 'poor' nor with 'uneducated'.

Many missionaries work with the University students in India, with a good
success rate in conversions. The poor and the stupid rarely do post graduate
studies. those without formal "education" are often smarter than graduate
students. Viviana could not have put it better.

I do not understand why George has suddenly started behaving like an MD in
Psychiatry who goes to a sorcerer[ ghadi; dishtikar] to cure his son of
depression or unexplained illness. There are a few doctors in Goa who do
George, please step outside your Ivory Tower and breathe the fresh air of
truth and reality.

Viva Goa.

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