
I assume you were brought up a Catholic.  You then
must know that Catholicism is an autocratic,
patriarchal, top down religion, with old and strict
doctrinal rules that are not responsive to democratic
principles, and the rules are not about to change any
time soon, if ever.

Much of it is based on faith, and cannot be explained
or understood based on normal human principles, facts
and logic.  For example, a virgin birth, a Holy
Trinity, the Body and Blood of Christ in Holy
Communion, a Resurection, an Ascension into Heaven of
Jesus as well as Mary, life after death.  You take it
or leave it.

When you ask for a convincing argument, you are
thinking in terms of a normal democratic social
organization, which this is not.  So there is no such
argument that will convince an unbeliever, and a
believer does not demand such an argument, knowing
that it would be an excercise in futility.

As Viviana eloquently says, "If she were really and
truly interested in priesthood, and not just the
evening news, a woman can achieve that goal."

But NOT within the Catholic Church.

--- "Frederick Noronha (FN)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Can someone donate a prize to the netter who comes
> up with the most 
> convincing argument on why women shouldn't be
> allowed to become priests?
> Also, were all you guys serious with the arguments
> you threw up? FN

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