Let's keep in mind that all corrupt people are rejoicing these days because the Congress Govt may form the next Govt soon. Even the so called Parrikar friends or even some of his former MLA's are joining the Congress because they will be able to loot more money from Goa coffers with Congress at the helm. Opportunism has become the reality in Goa. Remember these corrupt people are only interested in themselves (me first and Goa afterwards). This type of Government usually do not last long because of competing self interests as being proven in Goa. Corrupt people elect corrupt governments because their self interests can be served. Self interest is another form corruption. Remember those days of mass corruption when Congress was in power. Remember those days when MLA's became rich overnight. Remember those days of instability -- who lost? It is the honest principled Goans who have lost, who do not have any self interests but for Goa, who at present may not have a voice.

Best regards,

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