Except for a few of my catholic friends who are "out
there", very few of them believe in any or all of
these christian mythologies, or should I say myths.
If a person today were to claim virginal conception, a
simple genetic test would have settled the issue. If
the person still persisted such a ridiculous claim,
they would be locked up in a mental institution. 

I believe that most so called catholics would fail to
meet the test of their religion. This leads me to
believe that this religion is far less relevant to the
masses that it claims to be and is destined to head
towards the dustbin of history.


--- Mario Goveia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
> While I think the Catholic Church will continue to
> grow but lose market share overall, many educated
> people and learned scholars see religion in a
> totally
> different light from other worldly matters.  For
> example, no one who demands scientific proof of
> everything, and bases all their opinions on normal
> facts and logic, would ever be a Catholic.  
> Once one accepts the whole list I gave of Catholic
> fundamentals that can only be taken as matters of
> faith, namely prophecies, miracles, the Holy
> Trinity,
> virgin birth, resurrection, two bodily ascensions
> into
> heaven, the body and blood of Christ in communion,
> life after death, etc. it is no longer inconsistent
> to
> accept other things that do not fit within normal
> and
> "rational" human concepts. 

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