From: Santosh Helekar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Women priests - 4th Choice
Date: Sat, 23 Apr 2005 00:28:06 -0700 (PDT)

--- Mervyn Lobo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>You may be right on this one.
>However, the Vatican has a different view of how
>women should be treated. So the choices I have are:
>1) I toe the Vaticans line.
>2) I search for another religion where women have
>equal status.
>3) I become a "cafeteria Catholic." :-)


You know there is a fourth choice. Why keep up the
pretense when you have lost faith? Be honest with
yourself. Give up the whole charade. Liberate
yourself. Live a reason and evidence-based life.
Practice humanitarian ethics and rational morality.
Imbibe spirituality from the products of human
creativity such as music, art, poetry, literature,
dance and science. But don't throw out the goodies.
Celebrate all the religious festivals. Enjoy all the
fun rituals. Expand your cafetaria to include other
religions, because the only things that we know are
real, for sure, are the food, the song and dance, the
company and the fun.



And Santosh, when you are thru with song, dance ,,, all rioteous
ribaldry and hangover holds you in its vengeful wrath
the only words that your heart thru lips utter...
shall be: Saiba pau ... Saiba bogos...

By the way what may we -- Gabe with his enduring Stella, Cecil with
Caju, purportedly, from Siolim and I with crystal ABSOLUTE -- offer you?


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