Quaint and archaic thoughts in the present day, but perhaps they were the
reason for not having women priests in the religions that centered around
Israel and Arabia: Judaism,Christianity and Islam. Women were "possessions"
like camels,cattle and goats in most parts of the world then, they are
"commodities" in some areas even now.Seems crazy to me that we suggest
menopausal woman priesthood or hysterectomy or ligation as solutions. It may
be a good idea to consider vasectomy for the priests, specially in the
scandal hit church in USA....unless marriage is permitted.

 If a woman actually becomes "unclean" during the menses, it is rather
surprising that the Son of God should have been born to a woman. He could
have descended directly from heaven ...just like he ascended. Sorry folks,
those who do not subscribe to virgin birth have no right to discuss who
should become a priest in catholicism. Immaculate Conception and Mother of
God are integral to Catholicism. Communion is prohibited only if one is in a
state of sin, a highly subjective topic in today's world.
From: "domnic fernandes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Hindu girls from our ward sit in the  balcao and spend 3-5 days without
doing anything.  I thought they were
> punished by their parents and made to sit there.  As I grew up, I learned
> that they sat there because they were not allowed to touch anything in the
> house; they were declared unclean.  Hindu girls/women also do not go into
> temple when they have their menses.  To my knowledge, some Christian women
> in the 1950's and 1960's did not go to church when they were unclean; some
> would go to church but would not receive Holy Communion because they
> it was inappropriate of them to do so.
> Can women 'celebrate mass' when they are physically unclean?  If allowed
> become priests, will they stop celebrating mass for 3-5 days a month when
> they are unclean, or it does not matter?
  If it > matters, they could become priests after their menopause, or they
could have
> their uteruses removed just before the ordination - this step should not
> taken prior to ordination as there are some who change their mind at the
> last moment.
> Moi-mogan,> Domnic Fernandes> Anjuna/Dhahran, KSA
In the present day unit families, if the wife does not cook during her
periods, will the hindu families survive on fruits and salads for 3 to 5
days? Do men work with the women through the month or not. " Affadd zalea"
are words that I heard in my childhood. ONLY IN MY CHILDHOOD. It is not a
socially and economically viable statement today. If we can change in the
work place, we can change in the Church. The moot question is : DO WE NEED
TO CHANGE? This is better debated at the next Vatican Synod [that is the
forum for the change] than on Goanet.

Viva Goa.

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