GL responds
Was it not your post Fred stating that an inquiry about one's village (commonly 
done in Goa) and a look about at one's birth certificate tells one about their 
caste. As you know both statements were wrong and they turned out to be a flame 
thrower, that we have yet to recover from - that of course is thanks to me.:=))

Is the statement/ comment/ question below along similar lines?

Are you a member of COW? (committee for the ordination of women) =:))

I have no strong feelings either way because women or no women would not come 
between me and my God and my church.  If it affects someone, they need to 
re-evaluate their reasons for being Catholic and the follower of Christ

Would ordination of women help more men and Goan men to go to church?:=))

Frederick Noronha 
Can someone donate a prize to the netter who comes up with the most 
convincing argument on why women shouldn't be allowed to become priests?

Also, were all you guys serious with the arguments you threw up? FN

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