Mervyn is one of those who believes that the brutal
status quo in Afghanistan and Iraq was better than the
spread of democracy in those two countries.  His
quote, "In fact, had your political leaders
practiced humanitarian ethics instead of religion in
the last few years, this world would have been a much
better place to live in." suggests that it was
"humanitarian ethics" for Canada to oppose the
liberation of 50 million people in Afghanistan and
Iraq from brutal dictatorships, and that the
liberation was based on "religion".  I thought it was
Muslims who were being liberated from the tender
mercies of Muslim dictators, so I wonder whose
religion was in play here.

Or was it oil, which Mervyn says Canada has more than
it needs, which "we" are desperate for, but keep
leaving behind in the middle-east and coming home
everytime we have it in our greedy hands, as in 1991. 
If push come to shove maybe we can just take all that
Canadian oil.  All it would take would be the police
force of a decent sized city to do that.

Sure, had Mervyn's concept of "humanitarian ethics"
prevailed, the world would certainly have been a
better place, for the Taliban in Afghanistan and for
Saddam Hussain and the Sunni Baathists in Iraq,
currently targeting innocent Shias in an attempt to
turn back the clock to the blisssful times when the
world "was a better place to live in" for them and for

In the meantime, the ruling Liberal Party in Canada,
the paragons of "humnanitarian ethics", is currently
being roiled by financial scandal.  Maybe some
attention to religion may have avoided all that.

--- Mervyn Lobo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Helga do Rosario Gomes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Mervyn3.0
> > Can you accuse only the US of this? I am not
> seeing
> > any ethics in the politics of any country lately!
> Canada has just increased it's aid. The percentage 
> increase in aid is higher than the percentage
> increase
> in military spending. But then again, we have no
> enemies. None. Zero. Zip. So we can afford to do so
> (or in other words, we have more oil than we need.)
> > How many women contribute to this forum anyway?
> I can think of three only. Maybe the rest need their
> husbands permission to post anything :-(
> Mervyn3.0
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