
Maybe having women cook food is a novel concept in
your home, or for people of your generation. However
in most Goan (and non Goan)dual income homes I have
been to (in N.America at least), sharing
responsibility on home chores is pretty routine.
So other than coming with excuses on why women should
be given a la carte rights, when they visit the
catholic cafeteria, please come up with other more
impowering suggestions!


--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> GL responds:
> If Goans really want to do something for women and
> THEIR women, do what we will do next month. Have a
> Goan mother-daughter dinner. The husband /fathers
> are the cooks and the waiters at the dinner.  Single
> women are not excluded as they are somebody's mother
> and daughter.
> No theology, sociology or anthropology. Just action.
> And do it across caste lines.
> Can all the conformists and non-conformists tell us
> what have they recently done to support their
> theoretical dissertations about not discriminating
> against women?
> Or are they just throwing ideas for others to
> follow?

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