
I would like you to recant this misquote attributed to me.  Read again before 
you post, my friend.

(I have pasted my original message below)


Marlon Menezes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Goanet]Top ten reasons on why women can't be priests

1) Women are considered "unclean" when it is that time
of the month. - source: domnic fernandes 

2) Jesus did not have female disciples. Mary Magdelene
was actually a transvestite. - source: maurice dmello 

What I wrote:

The Pope has offered theological reasons for the Church's prohibition 

of "women priests" in Christifidelis Laici and other documents. He has 

emphasized that this restriction "represents the mind of Christ," who 

could have chosen women as apostles if he wanted to. He has also said that 
this is a matter of essential Catholic belief and cannot change.  If it is 
God’s will (if you believe Jesus is God that is), are we challenging God here 
George?  Jesus being Son of God, sent for a purpose, has fulfilled it, and 
chose 12 males as his disciples, filled them with Holy Spirit and appointed 
Peter as head of his Church.  Jesus respected women to a very great extent and 
even while hanging on the corss, on the verge of death, asked John to take 
care of his mother, remember? 

As a Cardinal, Joseph Ratzinger often admonished that the Church must 

remain separate from the world, and he is nearly sure to shake some of this 
worldliness from bishops -- especially those whose waywardness has 

caused what he just recently described as "soiled garments" in the Church of 
Christ. He has spoken against bishops who act more like bureaucrats than holy 

After all, if I went into a McDonalds and told the waitress I wanted 

deep fried chicken with lots of spices, she would simply tell me, "Sir that is 
not on our menu, but there is a KFC right across the street." I trust you got 
the message.

I strongly agree with Ms. Coelho.

FYI, The Islamic Holy book  is dictated by Islamic God, and not even a 

coma is supposed to be altered from the original format.  Do not blame 

Maurice D.

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