As a Non-Practicing Catholic I find this discussion on Cafeteria Catholics most interesting. Can I then select a few of the Church teachings that I find relevant and re-label myself as a 'Cafeteria Catholic' rather than a 'Non-Practicing Catholic'?

Surely there must be sub-categories within the broader definition of Cafeteria Catholics? What of someone who unquestioningly believes that the Church's teachings are infallible but still chooses to not follow some of them because of his circumstances. He thus knows that he is doing a grave wrong and feels guilty. Isn't this feeling of 'guilt' one of the main characteristics of Catholicism as compared to other forms of Christianity, and in fact most other religions?

On a related matter let me attempt answering Santosh's questions.

1. Do you see any problem with artificial birth control?

Yes I do!
You trying asking for condoms at a pharmacy in Goa without everyone giving you weird looks. Just take whatever brand/type they give you, wrapped in a piece of newspaper, and walk away. Don't even think of enquiring about other brands/types.

But seriously, I have no problem with anyone using artificial contraception. In fact in a country like India, with population control problems, it should be encouraged.

2. Would you advise an AIDS patient not to use a
condom in his/her marital relationship?

I would advise and AIDS patient to use a condom in any sexual relationship, whether within or without his marital relationship. Someone recently wrote to me that condoms are not effective against the spread of the HIV virus, and hence the Church is justified in its objection to condoms. To the best of my knowledge, other than total abstinence, condoms are the best protection against transmitting the HIV virus sexually. I could be mistaken and don't mind being educated.

3. Do you believe homosexuality is evil?

I do not believe any form of sex / sexuality is evil as long as it between consenting, sober adult human beings.

4. Do you believe abortion should not be legal under
any circumstances, including medical contingencies
involving the life of the mother?

I feel abortion is justifiable when there is grave danger to the life of the mother.
And in the case of rape.

5. Would you advise a couple to remain married in the
face of an abusive and dysfunctional marital

Definitely not. I would ask them to seek proper counselling and remedies. If that too does not work out then it is better to separate than to live in a dysfunctional relationship.

6. Do you believe that embryonic stem cell research is
immoral, and should be banned?

I do not know much about this hence cannot comment.

7. Do you believe a man and a woman were created by
special creation apart from animals?

I think human beings have evolved to a higher plane than any other animals on earth. God did not create us the way we are. We evolved - and I'm not quite sure God is very happy with the way we turned out. I do believe that there may be other species on other planets that may be much superior to us.

8. Do you believe all human beings alive today are
sinners because their original male ancestor,
thousands of years ago, had sex with his solitary
female companion?

This is an absolutely rubbish concept, and is one of the basic 'guilt' creators. If we examine closely the many carefully crafted 'guilt' concepts in the Catholic Church then we will better understand ourselves and God.


Non Practicing Goan Cafe Bhonsle Catholic

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