If the reasons Maurice gives below are to be understood as religious beliefs, I 
have no problem. 
People believe any number of things.  But if they are offered as logical 
arguments, I have some
comments below.

--- maurice dmello <goanet@goanet.org> wrote:
> The Pope has offered theological reasons for the Church's prohibition of 
> "women priests" in
> Christifidelis Laici and other documents. He has emphasized that this 
> restriction "represents
> the mind of Christ," 

The Pope probably speaks to Christ on a regular basis (I have no idea). In the 
past, Popes allowed
married priests, now disallowed.  Does Christ change his mind?

> who could have chosen women as apostles if he wanted to. He has also said that
> this is a matter of essential Catholic belief and cannot change. 

The church has changed on a number of issues, including in our lifetime (see 
Bosco's post).  This
could change in the future. 

> If it is God’s will (if you believe Jesus is God that is), are we challenging 
> God here George?

Has the Church misrepresented God's will by change on a number of occasions?  
Has the Church/Pope
therefore challenged God?  

> Jesus being Son of God, sent for a purpose, has fulfilled it, and chose 12 
> males as his disciples, filled them with Holy Spirit and appointed Peter as 
> head of his Church. 

I have no idea why Jesus chose 12 apostles, all male.  Perhaps it symbolically 
had to do with the
fathers of the 12 tribes of Isreal?  How was the transition made from 12 
apostles to the current
Church set-up?  May be Jesus wanted only 12 Cardinals?  12 Popes?  He also did 
not pick Peter as
Pope.  One can be very selective in one's logic and pick and chose the premise 
to say since Christ
picked male apostles, he wanted only male priests.  Christ picked apostles, he 
did not pick them
as Pope, cardinals, bishops, and priests which is a church invention.  He also 
did not pick nuns,
so why do we have nuns today? Is that against Jesus's wishes? 

Why is the male apostle description used to justify male priests?  It is 
reported Peter had a
beard.  Using your logic one can conclude that Christ wanted all Popes to have 
a beard. 
Supposedly all apostles Jesus chosen were under 6 feet tall.  Should all 
priests today be under 6
feet tall?  The apostles were also a certain age group.  Should priests today 
be only of that age
group?  I think most or all were Jewish.  Does that mean we should have no 
Brazilian, Indian etc.
priests today?

> As a Cardinal, Joseph Ratzinger often admonished that the Church must remain 
> separate from the world, and he is nearly sure to shake some of this 
> worldliness from bishops -- especially those whose waywardness has caused 
> what 
> he just recently described as "soiled garments" in the Church of Christ. He 
> has spoken against bishops who act more like bureaucrats than holy men.

Exactly which part of the statements above is for or against women priests, 
even assuming those
are Ratzinger's views?  Btw, Ratzinger has been very selective, especially as 
it relates to race
-more on that in another email.

> After all, if I went into a McDonalds and told the waitress I wanted deep 
> fried chicken with lots of spices, she would simply tell me, "Sir that is not 
> on our menu, but there is a KFC right across the street." I trust you got the 
> message.

The message I got is McDonald's looks at their market and customers and listen 
to their needs. 
They would introduce Chicken on their menu. It would be the right thing to do. 
In fact, that is
exactly what McDonald's did some years ago and has introduced chicken.  It has 
also announced it
will further update its menu, while still differentiating itself in other real 
ways from KFC.

In Orwell's Animal Farm, all animals are equal, except pigs are more equal. It 
appears for some on
this forum, further to that thinking, males pigs are more equal than female 
pigs.  Perhaps Freud
is right too.  Men, in their desire to dominate women, are dealing with their 
own sexual issues
and adequacies (since this is a family-friendly forum I won't say more).


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