It has been widely published that the new Pope is keen to have a dialogue
with Muslims. Through this dialogue we hope & pray that foremost the new
pope can bring about a genuine change the way Christians are treated in
Muslim Nations.

Can the Pope be made aware of the recent below incident ???

We are Hopeful that the new Shepherd of Christians POPE BENEDICT XVI will
protect his sheep !!!!!!

40 Pakistani Christians held for holding prayers

Riyadh: Saudi Arabia has detained 40 Pakistani Christians for holding
prayers at a house in the kingdom, where practicising any religion other
than Islam is illegal, newspapers said yesterday.
A group of men, women and children were attending the service in the capital
Riyadh when police raided the house, Al Jazeera newspaper said.
It said authorities also found Christian tapes and books.
Another Saudi daily, Al Yaum, said the raid took place on Friday while a
Pakistani preacher was delivering a sermon. It was not clear what measures
might be taken against the group.
Saudi authorities were not immediately available to comment.
There are around six million foreigners in the conservative kingdom, which
has a population of 23 million, including many Christians from Europe, North
America, Asia and other Arab states.


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