From:"K.V. Shamsudheen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  Subject:Air India Express  
[input]   [input]   [input]   
To:  Gulf-Goans e-Newsletter, 

(Attention: Mr. Gaspar Almeida/Mr. Ulysses Menezes)

Dear Sir,

The starting of Air India Express is a success of NRIs, it proved that if we 
raise our sound as one voice definately there will be result forall issues.

NRIs were demanding last two decades to reduce theairfare in Gulf sector. At 
last Air India is compelled to start a budgetairline in this sector. 

We take this opportunity to thank all media who support NRIs on high issue. If 
govenment of Kerala starts the Kerala Budget Airlines under the leadership of 
capable IAS officer like Mr. Kurien, the venture will be a success. The 
company must be with equity participation of maximum number of NRIs. All NRIs 
must feel it is their company. We have full confident that raising the capital 
will not be a problem at all.

Currently I'm in India becasue of the demise of my cousin. My contact number 
is 00914872532006

With regards

K V Shamsudheen, 
Pravasi Bandhu Welfare Trust
Post Box No. 940, Sharjah, U.A.E.

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