On 29/04/05, Bosco D'Mello <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> GABE: Irrespective of the effects, the War on Iraq was illegal. Hopefully
> Pope Benedict XVI will reiterate this to President Bush, the main
> protagonist.
> RESPONSE: And what would be achieved by that ??

G.M.: It would give me and many more immense pleasure and
satisfaction. Perhaps, it might even deter future adventures.
> GABE: it is hoped that the British voters will show their disdain to
> the Iraq War which was illegal.
> RESPONSE: Illegal as per whom ?? When has a war been legal. It's either
> necessary or unnecessary. But (il)legal ??

G.M.: Yes in this Country of ours, except if war is declared on us,
the Government of the day has to make a case for going to war. The
U.N. also stated that the war was illegal, go figure that out as a
contra the war to drive Iraq out of Kuwait was deemed legitimate and
> Has the newspaper Guardian always been anti-Blair (Labour) through his years 
> in
> office ?? Which newspaper in the UK is pro-Labour ??

G.M.: The Mirror supports the Labour Party, the Sun helped the Labour
party, I believe in the last two elections although it is deemed a
right wing paper. The Guardian is definitely pro Labour since its
inception I believe - A Manchester Newspaper.
> GABE: Manmohan of India, has rescinded the move to apply value added tax on
> Diesel fuel, he saw Bush's embrace of the Saudi Prince and thought;
> hey, thank God for this Gay President.
> RESPONSE: Is the Saudi Prince the only person Dubya has hugged ?? Can the
> Saudis, Kuwaitis, oil producers really do something tangible to bring down the
> price of oil ?? Are you suggesting our oil analysts are feeding us baloney 
> about
> supply and demand ??

G.M. Yes you are being fed baloney and saurkraut, the price of Gas is
up, because there is not enough refining capacity.Also the price of
oil started going up from around 12 dollars once Opec decided to rein
in production. Saudi Arabia still has spare capacity and of course the
caveat is that if Sadaam was still in charge and a stranglehold had
not been in place there would be more oil.

You too have a good weekend, we have a public holiday here on Monday,
in lieu of 1st May which is Labour day and my wedding anniversary!

Gabe Menezes.
London England.

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