Hello I recently came acorss this string by chance and
am quite disappointed ,
[Goanet]Goan Musicians
Fausto V. D'Costa
Sat, 23 Apr 2005 07:29:01 -0700

Sorry, Lawrence de Tiracol is not a musician, not to
humilate him but to put facts straight he will not
know the ABCD of music, but may be composing tune
naturally like our many tiatrists.

You are refering to Lawrence De Tiracol 
A man who has made it his dying wish to keep Konkani
music and its tradition alive.
A man who spends sleepless nights making music and
composing lyrics in Konkani which is non lucrative.
A man who has almost detached himself from his family
to ensure that he has enough time to devote to Konkani
music so that Konkani music is up to present times and
standards , without loosing its ethnic charms.
A man who has composed more than 25 albums and more
than 150 songs and has a natural talent which many
Goans appreciate.
I can go on and on about this as I personally know him
I't is no surprise and I am well aware and so is
everyone that some individuals who claim to be goan ,
unfortunately instead of being supportive and
encouraging , choose to be mudslingers and
I would sincerely appreciate that if you Mr Fausto V.
D'Costa have nothing to do in your spare time and are
out there somewhere trying to bring down our Goans and
our talented community brotherin without even knowing
them or anything about them, to kindly refrain from
any such future comments .
Trust me pal, Goans are a small community when it
comes to relationships.

I would appreciate that Goanet website encourages
positive dialogue and refrain from defamation of
In short, stick to your small goa net community and
dont defame people who have never even heard of your
so called website.

I do hope you will send a copy of this to Mr Leo
Fernandes too.And feel free to post this on your
website too.

Louis Fernandes.

And Mr.Fausto V. D'Costa can get in touch with me if
in doubt.

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