"Fr. Ivo Da C. Souza" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>  3. Do you believe homosexuality is evil?
> Homosexuality is an aberration. It is abnormal.

Father Ivo,
I have a quick question.
Should there be homosexual Catholic priests?


Dear Merwyn, 

I have a quick answer: there should not be "homosexual Catholic priests", but 
if there are, as the media are publicizing, then homosexuality does not cease 
to be "an aberration", "abnormal". 

Let the competent people investigate the causes and help them, with love and 
compassion. Let us also study why there is such a wild propaganda, which will 
not help the sick priests nor the Church of God. What are the background 
factors for such an aberration? Can we do something for them? It is important 
to save them...as much as poor human efforts are concerned...

It is our task, yours and mine!

Ivo da C.Souza

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