--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> You may agree with me on this one.
> The catechism of the catholic church states that the priest is one who 
> serves the people. This service could be put in the context of a 
> spousal relationship in which the bridegroom loves the bride so greatly 
> that he is willing to give up his life for her, just as Christ died for 
> the church. The priest stands in the person of Christ, who was a male. 
> As such the priest "alter Christus" (another Christ) represents Christ 
> the bridegroom and servant to the church, his bride.
> In a world like ours, where men and women do so many of the same 
> things, it is difficult to understand why women cannot be priests. But 
> priesthood is not about the things he does, but about who he is.


The quote above is by Pia de Solenni who received her doctorate in sacred 
theology from the
Pontifical University of the Holy Cross, Rome.  Her article appeared today in 
the San Jose Mercury
News. She is not a reformer or progressive (she could not be to have received 
her degree from the
Pontifical Univ. in Rome in 2001 - i.e she has to echo JP II and Cardianl 
Ratzinger's views at
that time).  She gives the same justifications I have already rejected on this 
forum so I will not
repeat them here.  However, in a nutshell she has captured the "doctrinal & 
justification opposing women priests which Mario is seeking. 


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