Hi goanetters,

I tried to do some 'internet banking' when at my daughter's place using "Mozilla Firefox" and I had problems; No such problems with the very good and tried "M I Explorer". These new and free and open source stuff may be good but what's wrong with going with the good and tried ones?

Besides that, I must say that all this new 'stuff is free', because these producers have to break into the market; I wonder if these would have been free, if these were 'first' in the market. M I Explorer is and has been free from the start, anyway. So why this bias towards Mozilla and or Opera? I did not find any special juice. Let the competition decide, in the long term. In the short term, the customer will use the stuff that's most useful and free or cheap.

Its like when Banks first started 'Credit Cards' there were no 'Fees'. When they got us hooked up to using the credit cards, they started charging fees! Nothing in this world is free absolutely! Some one somewhere is paying for it. Goanet is free for us to use and abuse, but I'm sure someone or some source of revenue is behind the costs. There are sponsors and or advertisers supporting the 'open source' endeavours. This is a good thing! Let the Competition prevail!

I have tried 'weblog' not moblogs. The weblogs are free for only the first few days; after that one has to shell out or miss out. Is is the same with 'Moblogs'??

Nasci Caldeira

From: "rene barreto" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Goanet]The ideas behind Free and Open Source movements - 2
Date: Sat, 30 Apr 2005 07:53:31 +0100

>   The ideas behind Free and Open Source movements are being used far
  beyond the field of software technology.

> These initiatives and attempts touch upon a set of more
  fundamental values and questions governing our life, and the
  future of the society we live in, as well as possibilities for
  developing countries.
I believe that Mozilla Firefox is one of the best and
the most popular  web browser available today.
check it at www.mozilla.org

I use it and I found it just great ! If you do change to
Mozilla -or are using Mozilla ..please do make some
TIME to share your thoughts with us -

Opera comes no 2  and  is at www.opera.com

Try the moblog :>
Moblogs ( mobile weblogs) are the missing link between
blogging and moblile phones. Moblogs liberate you from
your computer by letteing you post text , photos and
multimedia clips from wherever you are  !

for more deatils go to Moblog UK ( www.moblog.co.uk )

Do let us have your feed back if you try Moblog UK

rene barreto

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