From: Santosh Helekar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Cafeteria Catholics  (Reply to Santosh)
Date: Mon, 2 May 2005 15:20:18 -0700 (PDT)

--- Nasci Caldeira <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>If "marriage reveals the truth" of the true human
>nature, then why are people who choose to remain
>unmarried for life considered to be sick?
>Who says that unmarried men are sick?

I am sorry. I made a typing error, and left out a
"NOT" from the above-quoted sentence of mine. My
statement should have read:
"If "marriage reveals the truth" of the true human
nature, then why are people who choose to remain
unmarried for life NOT considered to be sick?"
I said this because Fr. Ivo uses this line of
reasoning to claim that homosexuality is a sickness.

Why should persons who choose to remain 'unmarried' be considered sick? They have the choice and their free will to choose. "marriage reveals the truth' in that male and female interact and populate and prolong the species, in excercising their natural right. If a single male or female forgoes their urge, for whatever reason, they are not sick! Of course not!

The homosexual groups deny that they are 'homosexuals' by choice; instead they say they are 'born' that way, and that they can't help it. Unmarried man choose to remain unmarried. They are not born that way. They have the option of 'choice' any time.

But if say an unmarried man wants to marry 'You Santosh', (presuming that you are male), then we have a real problem. Your family will also have to deal with that. I,m sure that you will chase the 'bloke' away; after telling him that he is sick and weird, and has to go get treated! Would't you do that Santosh? Or how else would U deal with matters like this?

And in case U decide to 'go with him' and forgo your family, (presuming U R married) would U consider this union as a "marriage'' or a "conjugal Union" or a partnership for 'weird' sex?? Would U not seek treatment, for yourself, in such an event?

But what Nasci has written in a series of posts in
this thread is quite entertaining. I hope he continues
to entertain us. I will try to do my best to encourage

Nasci: I hope to continue to entertain you and enlighten you at the same time! I will also 'Pray' to a Christian God, for your conversion to an enlightened Christian Scientist. Santosh, I hear you are a good Scientist; but I feel there is just that "little something" missing! It is called "Faith in God".

Nasci Caldeira

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