Sorry to disabuse you of your far fetched notion that my ancestors were the
Portuguese pilgrim fathers from across the ocean. As far as I can tell, I am
a legitimate daughter of pure blooded Goan gaunkari (comunidade) Hindu
ancestry.Unfortunately, one of the compatriots of my Hindu ancestors,
Malappa Dessai from Verna, brother in law of the famous Timoja,  was
responsible for handing over Goa on a silver platter to the Portuguese and
Afonso de Albuquerque. But that is all water under the bridge.

Now as an Indian, what do you think of a country, where states cannot give
their people a decent quality of life and sustenance to the point that the
miserable condiditons they live in our state, is still Paradise compared to
the misery they endure back home. And pray give me one good reason why Goa
should bear the brunt of the inefficiency, callousness and corruption of
other states of the Indian Union? Because, whenever Goans have gone out of
their homeland, they do not wholesale change the demographic profile of a
place. They do not wander about with "lotas" searching for sheltered spots
to perforim their morning ablutions and do not wash their clothes and bathe
at public water taps at the cost of the Goan tax payer. Its not the poor
migrant who raises my hackles. Its the uncaring, insensitve and corrupt
authorities that bring the ordinary people to such a pass.


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