Kevin Saldanha wrote:
<<Is it any wonder that many of the polarized views on this forum are so
pathetically funny?  As an atheist, I can no longer reconcile God's
involvement in our day to day lives.  For those who need to cling on to
a supernatural deity, don't shove your beliefs on others.  The Church
has been wrong before and will be wrong again but arrogant divine
inspiration will not get it any brownie points.  The current climate
with the succession of Benedict XVI to the throne will polarize an
already fractured organization.  My hope is that knowledge will prevail
over superstition (otherwise known as FAITH)>>

Dear Brother Kevin:

I remember last communicating with you from the Knights of Columbus List (KnightsofColumbus · This list has been created in order to unify councils of the Knights of Columbus from around the world.).

Are you the same DVM who posted re: "Goanet launches new website" or a namesake, in which case I must apologise?

I am surprised at the above radical change  :(

Did some drastic event cause the transformation or are you simply playing the devil's advocate?

Had signed off from that KofC list with: Esto Dignus, Vivat Jesus

God Bless our Church & Priests:

S/K Pat de Sousa
Maryland, USA

I stand at the flag but kneel at the Cross.

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