--- Kevin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Dear Brother Pat,
Yes, I am the one and same......Have faith in God' is not good
enough for me at this point......At the time of my 'deconversion'
(about 18m ago)......The more I read, the more disenchanted* I
became with the Catholic church .....I felt I was brainwashed into
Christianity....Apart from the...We are human animals* first and
everything else .... Kevin Saldanha
pps.  Fr. Ivo, .... You have a job to do ... I do feel that god
gave me the power to see the light*.  After all, He put atheists*
on this earth to keep an eye on the religious folk  ;-)  /ks
Comment: KS is one confused 'animal'.His 'disenchantment'has
convinced him that,though claiming to be an 'atheist'
(definition:one who does not believe in god)this god has given the
power to see 'light'.LETS PRAY FOR THE GUY. AMEN.
PS does the vet* in the email address stand for veterinary ?

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