By Carey Gillam
TOPEKA, Kan. (Reuters) - A six-day courtroom-style debate opened on
Thursday in Kansas over what children should be taught in schools
about the origin of life -- was it natural evolution or did God create
the world?
The hearings, complete with opposing attorneys and a long list of
witnesses, were arranged amid efforts by some Christian groups in
Kansas and nationally to reverse the domination of evolutionary theory
in the nation's schools.
William Harris, a medical researcher and co-founder of a Kansas group
called the Intelligent Design Network, posed the core question about
life's beginnings before mapping out why he and other Christians want
changes in school curriculum.
School science classes are teaching children that life evolved
naturally and randomly, Harris said, arguing that this was in conflict
with Biblical teachings that God created life.
"They are offering an answer that may be in conflict with religious
views," Harris said in opening the debate. "Part of our overall goal
is to remove the bias against religion that is currently in schools.
This is a scientific controversy that has powerful religious
Conservative groups are trying to convince state education officials
to change guidelines for how evolution theory is taught in science
classes at a time when Kansas education authorities are producing new
science teaching guidelines.
The hearings -- organized by a committee of the Kansas Board of
Education -- were taking place 80 years after the so-called "Monkey
Trial" of John Scopes, a Tennessee biology teacher who was found
guilty of illegally teaching evolution.
There is renewed debate over evolution in more than a dozen U.S.
states and a resurgence across the nation in the influence of
religious conservatives, who played an important part in the
reelection of Republican President Bush last year.
The Kansas hearing drew a large crowd that included students, teachers
and preachers. National and local scientific leaders for the most part
boycotted the event.
Pedro Irigonegaray, a lawyer defending evolution in the debate, said
he planned to call no witnesses, though he did cross-examine
witnesses, sometimes combatively.
Harris acknowledged under questioning that there were many people who
saw no incompatibility between religious beliefs that God created life
and evolutionary teachings about how life evolved through natural
Outside the hearing room, outraged scientists challenged the validity
of the hearings. "This is a showcase trial," said Jack Krebs, vice
president for Kansas Citizens for Science. "They have hijacked science
and education."
Ken Schmitz, a University of Missouri/Kansas City chemistry professor
attending the hearing said he worried that the attack on evolution
could confuse students and endanger their ability to excel in science.
"They are not going to understand this," said Schmitz.
Changes to the curriculum proposed by the conservatives would not
require inclusion of Biblical beliefs in science classes, also called
"creationism" - the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in 1987 that creationism
could not be taught in public schools alongside evolution.
But they would involve questioning the principles of evolution as
explanations for the origins of life, the universe and the genetic
code. As well, teachers would be encouraged to discuss with students
"alternative explanations."
Kansas has been struggling with the issue for years, capturing
worldwide attention in 1999 when the state school board voted to
downplay Charles Darwin's theory of evolution in science classes.
Subsequent elections altered the membership of the board and led to
renewed backing for evolution instruction in 2001. But elections last
year gave conservatives a 6-4 majority and the board is now producing
new science teaching guidelines

Gabe Menezes.
London, England

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