| 3rd Annual Konkan Fruit Fest, Goa - May 6-8, 2005 |
| |
| Today's Events include Mango Eating Competition, Fruit carving and |
| Cultural Programs. Check out http://konkanfruit.swiki.net | -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jorge de Abreu Noronha wrote:
"Cecil: Just a couple of short questions: Are there female priests ("bhotts",
"purohits") in the Hindu religion? And female "imams" or "mullahs" in Islam
and female "rabis" in Judaism? If not, why bash only the Roman Catholic
Church for not accepting the ordination of women?"


Dear Jorge,

You have me worried. What I posted was a quote, from a correspondent of mine, that explained why she left the Church and took up Hinduism. In no way was I planning to 'bash' the Catholic Church. I was hoping to find answers as to what can be done to stop the faithful from leaving.

I do not know much about other religions. All I can see is that for whatever reasons people are leaving the Catholic Church and joining other religions, or Christian sects. It would be good if some introspection could be done as to the reason for this gradual but certain exodus.

There may or may not be women priests in other religions. My concern at this time is solely with the religion of community that I was brought up in.


For further reading about women clerics in the Christian religion I suggest these webpages.


* G * O * A * N * E * T *** C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *
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