| 3rd Annual Konkan Fruit Fest, Goa - May 6-8, 2005 |
| |
| Today's Events include Mango Eating Competition, Fruit carving and |
| Cultural Programs. Check out http://konkanfruit.swiki.net | -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sharing below, the following teaching on the subject from 'One Bread, One Body.'

The Presentation Ministries Booklet <www.presentationministries.com > has this note: Cost ~ an offering ~ "This book is not free, but everyonecan afford it!"

God Bless:

Clare &  Pat de Sousa
Maryland, USA


Thursday, May 5, 2005

Acts 18:1-8 Psalm 98 John 16:16-20

'THE TIME IS SHORT" (1 Cor 7:29

"What does He mean by this 'short time'"? --- John 16:18

The "now" word in today's reading is: "within a short time" (Jn16-18). The phrase "short time" is used four times in the Gospel passage.Through this repetition, the Lord undoubtedly wants to emphasize that somethingis about to happen. In addition, He obviously wants us to be ready insteadof unprepared when it takes place.

Liturgically, we begin praying the Pentecost novena tomorrow.Throughout this novena, we prepare to receive the outpouring of the HolySpirit at Pentecost. Like a parent hustling to get children ready to catchthe school bus, the Lord, though His Church, practically screams to us thatit's time to stop dawdling. We must get ready to pray now or we'll miss theoutpouring of the Holy Spirit, which the Lord has been preparing for us.

"The time is short" (1 Cor 7:29). Do whatever it takes to getready for the Holy Spirit. Turn off or throw out the TV. Stop reading thenewspapers and read the Bible instead. Go to Confession during the novena.Attend Mass as often as possible, even daily during these nine days. Whenthe Spirit comes, may He find you ready and waiting with open arms. "Withina short time," "receive the Holy Spirit" (Jn 16:18, 20:22).

Prayer: Holy Spirit, may I be so prepared to receive you that it only takes me a "short time" to respond to You.

Promise: "Many of the Corinthians, too, who heard Paul, believed and were Baptised." -- Acts 18:8

Praise: Thomas has learned to respond to promptings of the Spirit quickly, because he's leaned he can't deny God.

* G * O * A * N * E * T *** C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *
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